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According to the Juneau County Star-Times in a recent news story, the New Lisbon School District took a new approach to IT support for the 2021-2022 school year by joining forces with Dependable Solutions, an IT team based out of Prairie du Chien, for services.
Dependable Solutions owner Joe Ruskey recently provided an update to the New Lisbon Board of Education on the team’s work during a meeting of the school board.
According to Ruskey, the team has saved the district about $17,600 so far as a result of projects implemented during the current school year. The savings includes a $5,600 rebate from old, unused equipment that was shipped to a vendor and $2,000 from the IT professionals at Dependable Solutions taking over management of the school district’s firewall. The district received a grant for $10,000 to conduct an internal/external cybersecurity scan that the team performed with 100% of the costs reimbursed.
“It hadn’t been done and (the district) was going to lose the money come March 15,” Ruskey said.
District Administrator Adam Englebretson said the district is pleased with the work done so far.
Our goal is to integrate technology into schools through sharing ideas and resources to create and foster growing learning environments for students with diverse needs and diverse goals. We look forward to helping our schools’ staff and students succeed with daily increasing demands!
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